Когато Елинор Рузвелт влезе в Белия дом като първа дама през 1933 г., той беше с много трепет. Отказан достъп на официална позиция в рамките на администрацията, тя реши да работи за създаване на неформални канали за обществеността, сама.
Тя пътува из цялата страна – за вътрешна градове и отдалечени селски градове – слушането на жалби и потребности на хората. Тя донесе много от тези хора обратно да се отговори на президента и ще му даде първите си впечатления страна на въздействието на новата сделка.
Тя откри в колона Home Companion на жената, в която тя нека си публика знае: “Аз искам да ми пише.” Тя ще използва способностите си колона като вид на дискусионен форум с американската общественост, да насърчи хората да споделят своите критики.
В срок от шест месеца тя е получила над 300,000 писма, и тя работи с нея персонал, който да отговори на всеки един от тях.
Тя започна да се види образец от долу нагоре – все разочарование с новата сделка. Всеки ден, тя оставил бележка в кошницата на съпруга си, напомня на тези критики и необходимостта да бъдат по-отзивчиви. И бавно, тя започва да окажат влияние върху политиката си, което тласка го наляво. Всичко това се огромен кураж, защото тя непрекъснато се подиграват за активист си подход, дълго преди да е първата дама е някога мисълта за тази роля.
Както Елинор разбира, на всякакъв вид група тенденция да се затвори от външния свят. От в рамките на този балон, хората се заблуждаваме, да мислят, те имат поглед върху това как техните читатели или обществени чувства – те четат вестниците, различни доклади, анкета номера и др
Но цялата тази информация обикновено е плоска и силно филтрирана. Тя е много по-различно е, когато влизат в директен контакт с обществеността, чувам в плътта им критики и обратна връзка. Вие създавате резервно и изложени-динамичен, по който техните идеи, участие и енергия могат да бъдат използвани за вашите цели.
Какво & Юлия Юлия, PostSecret и неща бели хора Както е общото? Ако ти отговори: “Те са блогове,” ти са верни (събира си баснословен награда – нашият безсмъртен уважение и любов). Ако ти отговори: “Те са ипотпал книги,” ти си толкова правилно (моля споделете наградата си с предишната група – там е достатъчно да се наоколо).
Още от приблизително 2005, издателите са гледаха към интернет, за да намерят нови фураж за отпечатана страница, а тази година, тези хора се оказаха литературни вълни с талант. Всичко, от Tweets ипотпал Twinkies да служи като вдъхновение за книги, за преодоляване на цифровото разделение да занесете екрана на компютъра си масичка за кафе. И така, как са го правят? Как тези уикенд воини сайта попречвам на сделки книга? Mashable ипотпалско говорих с един от най-добрите блогъри уби тази година-Cum-автори, за да разберете.
This is the end of my 12th semester at UNIFEI. What does this mean? Well… two things: Adriana Calcanhoto’s show at UNIFEI’s campus and the beggining of my carreer as a Computer Engineer. So I got the internship at Motorola and I will try to keep an updated view of what i will be doing (at least what they allow me to say) over next whole year.
I think it will be better to keep it in English but over the course of life I may change my point of view over that…
Now owning the Motorola Milestone, in this article I will describe how to root the device. All information are related to the EU Milestone only, not for the Droid/Sholes, as there are very different.
1) Recovery Console
Press camera button and hold it pressed while you turn on the device.
Hold the camera button pressed for so long, until the display shows the Motorola logo appears.
Let the power button go and hold the camera key pressed continue until you see a triangle with exclamation point.
Now the camera and presses the volume up button at the same time to bring up a menu.
An in you are!
+++ to be continued +++
More is not possible at this time, but I will update the article as information are in.
Things I learned from iPhone & Droid ads:
What I learned by watching iPhone ads
There is a person holding it. It’s clear how it’s used.
It records video.
You can make calls and play music with voice commands.
There seems to be a lot of useful apps.
Droid: What I learned by watching Droid ads
It is fast and it despises aesthetics.
It is for men—wave surfer athletes and pro boxers first, workers operating heavy machinery second.
It is packaged inside missiles launched by stealth jets.
It is a robot and should mostly be handled by other robots.
Should you actually hold this phone in your hand, you gain superpowers.
I finally saw the Palm Pixi up close and personal today while doing some emergency electronics shopping. It is definitely the Prē’s kid sister.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing, though, depending on who you are and what you want out of your phone. There’s only a bit after the jump, so click on through to the other side.
While the keyboard seemed smaller to me, the keys felt more solid than those of the Prē. The smaller form factor was also appealing, although the screen looks a lot smaller up close than in video reviews. And, without wifi, it’s not the phone for powerusers.
It looked almost fake next to the Motorola Droid. The Droid will get a post of its own eventually, but for now I’ll say that while part of me was repulsed by the industrial lines and gold-brick feel, I was intrigued.
The Pixi is is interesting though because it aims for a fairly tight market. Phones like Prē, Droid, and, when used to its fullest potential, iPhone, aim for the nerdiest powerusers, deliberately or otherwise. Pixi aims for someone who knows a poweruser but doesn’t want the “nerdy stuff” for the first brave step on their journey from their RAZR-ridden past into their smartphone future.
But don’t take my word for it — go read Gizmodo’s excellent (although uber-critical) review or watch the Pixi commercial at CrunchGear.
Android 2.0 was initially launched on the Droid as part of the marketing blitz on Motorola’s part. Until recently the Motorola Droid was the only device running Android 2.0 and there hadn’t been word on when or if older devices such as the MyTouch, G1, or the Hero were going to receive these updates. Leaked screenshots showed Android 2.1 running on the HTC Hero with Sense UI included. Now developers can download Android 2.0.1 which is set for release in December and there are some minor hints that the update isn’t just meant for the Droid.
Engadget was told by Verizon that Android 2.0.1 is going to be released sometime in December. The update is said to fix a known issue with the camera focus and voice reception on the Motorola Droid. Though as Engadget points out, it is a little odd that Google would release a .0.1 update for one specific phone. In Google’s release notes about Android 2.0.1 it says there are minor API changes, bug fixes, and framework behavioral changes. Along with the release notes, there are some instructions on getting started on developement with Android 2.0.1 by downloading the AVD Manager into Android SDK 1.6 or greater. To my knowledge, at this point there shouldn’t be any developers coding for the Droid using SDK 1.6. Maybe this is the final push to get everyone else developing for 2.0.1 before the update is released to older Android devices. One can only hope. As far as the framework changes, hopefully those include fixing the stutter you get on the Droid when pulling down the notification tab or switching between home screens. An issue you don’t see on the Hero, Mytouch, or G1.
Google’s release notes for Android 2.0 and 2.0.1 can be found here.
Ето че и JKK Mobile или иначе казано , човека с прякор JKK от Финландия и собствения му уеблог – ТУК , се е сдобил с европейската версия на Motorola DROID.
И както е приказката , че 1 картинка разказва 1000 думи , мисля че цялото видео разказва достатъчно само за себе си , плюс личния коментар на JKK.
This is the beginning of the end folks. Smartphones have been around for sometime but it seems like the iPhone lead the way into the main stream audience and now the smartphone industry has exploded. Back in 2007 Apple introduced the iPhone which captured the attention of the general public for the first time. So why is 2009 the year of the smartphone? Lets take a look at what is different today compared to years prior.
In 2007 we went into the holiday season with an iPhone for $299.99 and $399.99. If you recall that year the iPhone had neither a 3G signal nor apps. The Razr was still king of sales in the United States but the iPhone was received well. Along with AT&T’s pretty expensive data plans the smartphone universe was still just a figment of the mass markets imagination.
2008 comes along. In 2008 we saw the introduction of phones like the Instinct and the LG Dare but none of these phones had the impact nor the usability the iPhone brought to the table. All of 2008 basically belonged to Apple. Then in July Apple introduced the iPhone with a 3G radio for $199.99. This is where a spark was struck and it was time for smartphone makers to get serious if they were to compete with Apple. In October the first real competitor was born. Android, Google announced the G1 and in October the phone launched with quite a bit of enthusiasm. The iPhone was still locked to AT&T, no users lusting for a smartphone wanted the LG Dare or the Samsung Instinct, so the somewhat feature lacking G1 was the next best thing. It’s launch was a bit stunted by the United States smallest main stream carrier but the G1 took and Android was something that seemed promising. Still going through the holiday season of 2008 we had the iPhone 3G for $199.99 and the first Android phone for $179.99. Just when it seemed like Apple had completely removed everyone else from the game Palm had a little surprise hidden up their sleeve.
2009, the year of the smartphone. Now things are starting to get serious. Palm at CES 2009 announced their first iPhone competitor, the Palm Pre, and it held a lot of promise. So with no official release date from Palm, Google stepped up it’s game. In early 2009 the price of the G1 dropped and the MyTouch 3G was launched along with the release of Android 1.5. Though still slightly crippled by T-Mobile, the Android devices held their own. In mid may Palm announced the Pre release date and the phone had a heavy emphasis on the open source community and its seemless multitasking. The launch went as well as Palm could have expected, however the Pre was launched on a carrier that was bleeding subscribers for some time. The Pre brings promise and is expected to launch on Verizon in early 2010. There were some Blackberry launches later in the year which include the Bold 2 and the Blackberry Storm 2, but neither phone really has users excited because the OS has little to no change. Then HTC put out their first fully customized version of Android showing just what is possible.
HTC changed the game for Android showing off what Android OS had potential to become. They added their Sense UI which allows for more robust widgets, more home screens, some UI changes throughout, and multitouch. The Hero launched on Sprint here in the United States. It was a quiet launch compared to the iPhone, the G1, and the Pre, but it was a notable launch. There were some initial bugs when it came to sluggishness in the UI but a carrier firmware release quickly fixed these issues. The Hero to date was the most promising Android device in town. Outside of the Hero, Android was still on the rise.
Palm had their come back and now it was Motorola’s turn. Motorola then collapsing because the Razr just wasn’t doing it for people anymore and they hadn’t launched a phone that people were excited about in a long time. The rumors were flying that Motorola had something Android under their hat. Finally they announced the Motorola Cliq which showed some promise but also a bit of let down when the specifications seemed to be the same specs of the G1, the MyTouch, and the HTC Hero which is the ARM 11 clocked at 588 Mhz. At this point we had the Pre and the iPhone 3GS with the next Generation ARM Cortex A8 processors with the powerVR Chipsets, so the same old Android processor was beginning to look a little ancient. The Cliq also was going to be launched on T-Mobile which is starting to seem a bit Android crowded at the moment but either way it doesn’t hurt Google to have more Android on the market. Then Motorola blows up the blogosphere with their new Verizon device called the ‘Motorola Droid’ powered by Google’s brand new Android 2.0. This was the first mainstream smartphone on Verizon that people were really excited about. The first Blackberry Storm launch was big but slowly faded as people grew annoyed with the Surepress technology and bugginess of the phone.
There were few small launches here and there which includes the Samsung Behold 2, which has Android and samsungs Cube UI known as Touchwiz, The Droid Eris which is Verizon’s version of the HTC Hero, and the Samsung Moment on Sprint. Early in October Windows Mobile launched 6 devices on multiple carriers with their new iteration of Windows Mobile now dubbed, ‘Windows Phone’, which has Windows Mobile OS version 6.5. Not enough changes in this OS to get people excited. The HD2 looks promising but won’t be in the U.S. until sometime in early 2010. That brings us to now.
This holiday season things are different. Smartphones still have a small market share but the offerings are so good and so affordable it is hard to imagine peoeple who will actually be signing a new 2 year agreement for a feature phone. Let’s take a look at some of the offerings. In 2007 we had the iPhone for $299.99. In 2008 we had the iPhone 3G and the G1 at $199.99 and $179.99. These phones were only on AT&T and T-Mobile. In 2009 we have smartphones on every large carrier in the U.S. Sprint is offering the HTC Hero for $99.99, Samsung Moment for $199.99, Palm Pixi for $99.99, Palm Pre for $149.99, Touch Pro 2 for $349.99, and a range of Blackberries from $49.99 to $199.99. On T-Mobile you have the G1 for $129.99, the MyTouch for $149.99, the Motorola Cliq for $199.99, and the Samsung Behold 2 for $229.99. T-Mobile also has a handful of blackberry handsets ranging from $99.99 to $199.99. On AT&T you have the iPhone 3G for $99.99, 3GS for $199.99, Windows Phone for $199.99, and the many variations of the Blackberry ranging the same prices as Sprint and T-Mobile. On Verizon you have the Blackberry Storm 2 for $199.99, the Droid Eris for $99.99, the Motorola Droid for $199.99, another variation of the Windows Phone for $199.99, and the LG Chocolate Touch for $149.99.
The options available today are tremendous and the prices are constantly dropping. Sprint and T-Mobile have set some new low prices on data plans making it even more affordable month to month to own a smartphone. So that begs the question. What is stopping you from purchasing a smartphone this year? Will smartphones outsell feature phones this holiday season? Feature phones are still selling well because with a feature phone you don’t need to pay for a data plan and so many of them are free, however during the holidays phones are gifts. Is there really anyone hoping to get a free feature phone for Christmas this year? We are starting to think this may be the first holiday season in history where phones called ‘Smart’ will out sell your old feature phones.
Ние сме били жадно играе с Verizon дроида “Моторола от създаването си в сряда, и докато ние смятаме, че все още е твърде рано да се даде окончателно становище за Android смартфон така или иначе, ние искахме да споделя някои моменти. В Motorola дроида може да бъде един от най-важните смартфони на 2009 г., така че проверете нашите мисли началото на живота на батерията, на QWERTY клавиатура, камера някои разочарования и повече, след намаляване.Очевидният начин да се пести енергия, тогава би било да се превърне задно осветяване на дисплея надолу, и ние ще се експериментира с този през уикенда, за да видите какъв вид го прави разлика. Докато сме на темата, на 3,7-инчов 854 х 480 LCD е изключително ярък и свеж, а капацитивен сензорен екран е достатъчно гъвкав. Липсата на MultiTouch, което не предвижда навсякъде роден в Android 2.0, е разочароващ.
Ние ще се продължава да се проучи Verizon дроида “Моторола този уикенд в навечерието на пълен преглед SlashGear следващата седмица. Ако сте някакви въпроси относно смартфон, който бихте искали да видите, обхванати в прегледа, оставете ни бележка в коментарите по-долу. Липсата на MultiTouch, което не предвижда навсякъде роден в Android 2.0, е разочароващ.
Ние ще се продължава да се проучи Verizon дроида “Моторола този уикенд в навечерието на пълен преглед SlashGear следващата седмица. Ако сте някакви въпроси относно смартфон, който бихте искали да видите, обхванати в прегледа, оставете ни бележка в коментарите по-долу. Ние ще се опитаме да обхване колкото можем.
According to this article, the Motorola WX395, powered by Mediatek (MTK), will be released this month.
Motorola will launch its WX395 handset in November 2009 targeting the markets in Asia, the Chinese-language Commercial Times quoted an analyst of JP Morgan Chase as indicating.
The WX395 is powered by chipset solutions coming from Taiwan-based IC design house MediaTek, with the finished products to be rolled out by China-based TCL, the paper noted. MediaTek also confirmed that it has begun shipping chipset solutions to Motorola, the paper quoted the company as saying.
No matter what type of product your company delivers, Direct Store Delivery (DSD) and Route Accounting operations are multifaceted. Mobile workers handle a wide variety of tasks – from the physical delivery to order invoicing and providing customer service. The overall performance of your DSD/route accounting operations depends on how efficiently and effectively your mobile workers can perform these tasks.
If your business is using paper-based forms, your mobile workforce captures information throughout the day using paper and pen. Time spent collecting information by hand also increases total time per delivery or service, resulting in fewer deliveries per day. The information collected has to be entered into your computer system, causing delays in the order-to-profit cycle. Throughout the process, collected data is compromised due to hand-writing and data-entry errors. The lack of real-time communications impacts the overall performance of your DSD/Route Accounting operation.
Paper-based processes result in costly labor intensive processes and cause bottlenecks in the flow of information throughout your business. With a real-time connection to your system, your workers can perform virtually any task, on the spot. Wasted time is eliminated, streamlining your business processes and reducing cycle times throughout your operations.
Some key benefits of real-time wireless data collection:
Eliminating paperwork improves driver productivity by allowing your existing mobile workforce to make more stops per day
Automated data capture increases data accuracy and visibility, eliminating costly errors
Real-time invoice processing reduces order-to-profit cycle time
Improved customer satisfaction, retention and perception of your brand
Read more about how to achieve peak efficiency with best-in-class mobile technology in this application brief from Motorola.
You can also find information on Motorola’s new MC9500-K, designed specifically for use in these operations. The MC9500-K is built rugged for life out in the field and has all the features and functionality required for workers to perform virtually any task, anywhere, all on one device.
You download the MC9500-K datasheet here.
Using the right technology to become leaner and more efficient will help you serve your customers better. You can count on our experts to help you find the right mix of equipment and wireless technologies that fits your needs and budget – from labels and software to printers and scanning devices and more.
For more information on wireless data collection or to talk with a General Data expert about your specific needs, call at 1.800.733.5252 x6473 or send us an email here.
Dopo le prime indiscrezioni, ecco le caratteristiche del Motorola Motus. Innanzitutto non ci sarà nessuna tastiera sul retro del telefono, ma un touchpad, la cui utilità non è ancora ben chiara.
Alright seriously Google, now you’re just trying to get a rise out of me right?
I just got done coming to terms with waiting until mid-December for the HTC Passion release and now you have to go and do something like this. Like the holidays aren’t stressful enough.
Here, in no particular order, is why I’m not going to take this seriously and my decision is going to be made in December based on the Passion versus the Droid.
Google hasn’t said a peep about it and have in fact said quite definitively that such a product would not exist within the last few weeks.
Chances are even if something like this did release in the next few months it would not be on Verizon. (Although if this thing comes out for ATT I may actually be physically ill as I’m going to have to hear about their having both the iPhone and the gPhone.)
Even if Google is basically dictating everything under the sun on this device, so what? I don’t know what about that would make it any better than what’s coming out of Motorola or HTC.
The alleged partnership is with LG, not that they are bad, but I’ve had LG phones and meh is what think of them creating my high end smartphone.
Honestly I’m just tired of waiting, at some point you have to bite the bullet and make your move and play the cards your dealt and dance with the one that brung’ you and etc….
Alright, I’m the calm center of the universe again and I’m going to go back to trolling for Passion news.
Ada banyak ponsel pintar di dunia saat ini yang punya kemampuan begitu hebat. Namun jika hanya lima saja yang dianggap layak masuk katagori terbaik, apa saja alasannya, dan mengapa?
Simak jawabannya dalam review yang disarikan dari Cnet berikut ini:
5. Samsung i8910 Omnia HD
Samsung, vendor ponsel asal Korsel ini belakangan giat membanjiri pasar dengan deretan ponsel kelas atas. Salah satu yang patut diperhitungkan jelas Omnia HD. Meski berukuran cukup besar, dengan berat 148 gram, ponsel ini tetap nyaman digenggam, bahkan terkesan elegan.
Aplikasi dan fitur yang ada memang bikin ngiler, di antaranya layar AMOLED besar dengan tampilan cemerlang. Kameranya 8 megapiksel dengan kemampuan video recording HD (high definition). Layar sentuh berbasis TouchWiz disebut-sebut sebagai yang terbaik dibanding milik ponsel Samsung lainnya. Masih kurang? Masih ada fitur Wi Fi, Bluetooth dan GPS.
4. HTC HD 2
HTC merilis HTC HD 2 atau kode namanya Leo, yang siap membuat vendor lainnya iri. Salah satu alasannya, layar toucshcreen-nya yang berukuran 4,3 inch terbilang impresif. HTC HD 2 adalah ponsel berbasis Windows pertama yang ditautkan dengan interface HTC Sense yang sebelumnya menyambangi HTC Hero.
Ponsel ini juga dibekali prosesor dahsyat dari Qualcomm, yakni 1Ghz Snapdragon yang menjamin penggunaan aplikasi secepat kilat. Selain itu, masih ada fasilitas kamera 5 megapiksel, Bluetooth 2.1 dan jack headphone 3,5 mm.
Thought NewTeeVee Live was awesome, it was merely to whet your appetite for next week in Silicon Valley with my Smarter TV event at the Commonwealth Club and Streaming Media West, #SMWest09. NYC has its own Future of TV East confab, follow at #FOTVE. And on a musical note, Tuesday night, 6-9, there is a sneak peek at the upcoming #SFMusicTech with a swanky mixer at Roe, 651 Howard, SF. For the two stellar SV TV events, here’s a quick survey of who will be where:
M 11/16 6:30-8:30pm
at the Commonwealth Club Silicon Valley
Dominik Rausch, Producer, Easy to Assemble Anthony Soohoo, SVP General Manager, Entertainment & Lifestyle, CBS Interactive
Russ Schafer, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Yahoo! Connected TV
Evan Young, Senior Director, Broadband Services, TiVo Inc.
Andrew Kippen, VP Marketing, Boxee
Jim Funk, VP Business Development, Roku
Mitch Berman, Co-Founder & CEO, ZillionTV
Martine Paris, Editor, Content NOW
The future is here! Join us for a fascinating evening with Easy to Assemble, CBS, Yahoo! Connected TV, TiVo, Boxee, Roku,and ZillionTV, who, along with IKEA and Hollywood’s most hilarious comedians, are ushering in the greatest entertainment era ever known. Thanks to technology, talent and brands are now going direct to fans who with just a click of the remote can enjoy shows, tweet onscreen, check weather, holiday shop, order takeout, and so much more.
Tickets: $15 members, $20 guests http://tickets.commonwealthclub.org/auto_choose_ga.asp?area=15&shcode=1321
Time: 6:30pm Registration, 7pm Program, 8pm Screening
Location: Silicon Valley Bank, 3005 Tasman, Santa Clara
San Jose Convention Center
9, Bill Stone, FLO TV
10:30, Jim Louderback, Revision3, Vanessa Pappas, Next New Networks, Dermot McCormack, MTV, Brandon White, FUNimation, Brett Wilson, Tubemogul..
11:30, Marc Hustvedt, Tubefilter, Thom Woodley, Dinosaur Diorama, Jenni Powell, The Guild, Brent Friedman, Electric Farm, Zadi Diaz, Smashface Productions..
12:30, Lunch Break
1:45, Joe Wilson, TBS, Rafi Mamalian, blip.tv, Steve Robinson, Panache, Brad Murphy, Revision3, Ben Reneker, SNL Kagan…Itzik Cohen, Clipsync, David Jordan, Rovi, Ruchir Rodrigues, Verizon..
2:45, Rico Nassol, Zappos.com, Mike Sullivan, Hot Topic, Gerry Johnson, HSN..
4, Andrew Kippen, Boxee, Nick Chakalos, Motorola, Roxanne Austin, Move, Michael Bishara, HBO
5, Reception
W 11/18 STREAMING MEDIA WEST San Jose Convention Center
9, Marc Whitten, Xbox LIVE
10:30, Brian Duncan, Disney Interactive, Shalini Govil-Pai, YouTube, Tom Morgan, Media.tv..
11:45, Matthew Weisbecker, NBCU, Thomas Carpenter, EPIX, Marty Roberts, thePlatform, Mark Pascarella, Gotuit…
12:30, Kaltura Lunch
1:45, Dan Pryor, Safeway…Tim Harader, Microsoft..
3-3:45, Dan Rayburn, StreamingMedia.com..Jim Funk, Roku, Evan Young, TiVo, Mitch Berman, ZillionTV, Matthew McRae, VIZIO, Paul Alfieri, Limelight..
7:30, Readers’ Choice Awards Reception
Th 11/19 STREAMING MEDIA WEST San Jose Convention Center
9, Emil Rensing, EPIX
10:30, Tal Saraf, Amazon CloudFront, Stephen Condon, ATT…Nick Hippe, Adobe
11:30, Ron Berryman, Fox..Jerry Rocha, Nielsen Online, John Paul, Sling Media, Paul Scanlan, MobiTV, Francisco Varela, YouTube, Maria Buck, AP..
12:30, Lunch Break
2-3, Will Coghlan, Hudson Street Media, Caleb Silver, CNNMoney.com…
Last Thursday, I went down to Union Square in downtown New York City and ran into Verizon’s marketing juggernaut for its new Droid phone.
The new Motorola device, which was released today to the general public, is being supported by the single largest marketing campaign that Verizon has ever launched for a single device.
So what does all that money buy? Well, lots of glitzy TV commercials but also some cheesy live marketing events. As I got off the train at Union Square, I noticed a long line of about 75 people. The people were waiting to get the chance to play a game in which you could scoop up a Droid phone in one of those boardwalk games with the little hand-operated cranes. All that was missing was a carnival barker shouting into a megaphone with a monkey perched on his shoulder.
Verizon is clearly pulling out all the stops to turn the Droid into a hit. And so far, it seems to be working.
Verizon Wireless starts selling its first Android phone, the Droid (“by Motorola”) today. I have tested the new phone, and I think that it’s awesome (for a smartphone). The Droid couples impressive hardware with the much-improved Android 2.0 OS, and the result is first Android phone that’s fully worthy of being compared to the iPhone 3GS and Palm’s Pre. (It’s most definitely an example of the class of device that Walt Mossberg calls “super-smart phones.”)
I don’t expect every Verizon customer who’s currently lusting after the iPhone to buy a Droid instead, but I think a meaningful percentage will–and that overall, they’ll be pleased.
But the Droid is hardly above criticism. As I’ve been using one and mostly enjoying the experience, my mind has been racing ahead to…next year’s model. (I’m assuming there will be one: Already, Verizon is releasing another phone in the Droid lineup, the Droid Eris.)
So here’s my quick wishlist for the phone I’m calling the Droid II–the next major collaboration between Verizon, Motorola,and Google.
A better keyboard. I want to like the Droid’s wide QWERTY keyboard, but so far I can’t muster much enthusiasm for its feel–the overall thinness of the phone has resulted in keys without enough travel for truly satisfying typing. (I do like the fact that it frees up all of the handsome screen’s 854-by-480 pixels for content, not virtual keys.)
It’s gotta be possible to squeeze a better keyboard into the space the Droid has–for one thing, the little five-way controller to the right of the keys seems superfluous on a touchscreen device. Dump it, and you could widen the keys and make them more comfy. I’d also be tickled if the Droid II took a cue from the AT&T Tilt I used to carry and angled the screen up when you slid out the keyboard.
On the other hand, the Droid’s keyboard is one in a long line of landscape-mode models that have ultimately broken my heart. I keep thinking that wider is better, but the only handset manufacturer that consistently provides good keyboards is RIM–and it squeezes BlackBerry keyboards into a skinny portrait orientation. I’ve come to the conclusion that a narrower keyboard works better for thumb-typing, because it lets you reach any key with one of your thumbs without any unnatural stretching.
With that in mind, what if the Droid II took a cue from the Pre and provided a slide-out portrait mode keyboard? The image above is my crude, ugly mockup of what it might look like; the keyboard is swiped from a BlackBerry Bold. Give the keys a little more travel than on the Droid I, and you might have a keyboard that would make BlackBerry fans comfortable and at least some iPhone owners jealous.
Full-blown multitouch. The Droid’s hardware and operating system both support it–it’s just that neither the OS nor any of the bundled apps use it. Should be easy to fix: The Droid II should use pinching and pulling to adjust magnification in the browser, the photo viewer, and anywhere else that you need to resize your view.
A more streamlined interface. Android 2.0 is pretty pleasing overall, but it’s also a tad ungainly compared to the obsessive minimalism of the iPhone interface: Controlling the phone involves four buttons, a keyboard, a five-way controller, and, of course, a touchscreen. I don’t want to see all of that go away–I like the back button and wish the iPhone had something similar–but let’s put simplification and streamlining on the to-do list for Android 3.0, and hope that it’s ready in time for the Droid II.
A more impressive camera. The Droid I’s model sounds impressive, with five megapixels of resolution and a dual-LED flash. I found that it took nice pictures in adequate sunlight, but that interior shots in dim lighting came out murky. (The iPhone 3GS may have a third less pixels and lack flash, but its autofocus lens and image-processing technology add up to a camera that’s more than the sum of its specs.)
The Droid II doesn’t need any more megapixels, and if the case is going to stay thin there’s a limit to how much better the lens can get. But I’d like to think that improved imaging software could eke better pictures out of the same hardware.
Music syncing. Entertainment is the single area where the iPhone is most strikingly better than the Droid. For starters, the Droid lets you copy music from PC or Mac via USB, but provides no means of syncing tracks so that you don’t have to rummage around in folders to find stuff. The Droid II should avoid Pre-style iTunes-compatibility shenanigans, but there’s no reason why it couldn’t come with a utility to sync the phone with iTunes. Maybe Verizon can just put a custom version of DoubleTwist on the phone.
Movie downloads. The Droid I has a video player, but no features for acquiring content to watch beyond its built-in YouTube content. Man does not live by clips of laughing babies alone, so the Droid II should have a way to rent and buy films and TV shows. Maybe Verizon, Motorola, and/or Google can strike a deal with either Amazon (who supplies the Android music store) or CinemaNow.
A standard task manager. Maybe this is just a hangup of mine–I wish the iPhone had one too–and I’m aware there are third-party solutions, such as the nifty Remember the Milk. But I’d like to see Android get a standard task manager that integrated with Google’s online task service as well as Android’s e-mail and calendar meld with Gmail and Google Calendar.
A real ringer/vibration switch. Unlike the iPhone and the Pre, the Droid makes you look at the screen to set the phone to vibrate. A physical switch would let you silence the phone without taking it out of your pocket and annoying fellow theatergoers.
A screen built for the real world. The iPhone 3GS’s display has been remarkably durable in my experience (I’ve stepped on mine; no damage) and its oleophobic coating does a good job of keeping it desmudged. I’m actually not sure whether the Droid I has comparable features or not. But if it doesn’t, let’s get them on the II.
A bit more speed in certain places. For the most part, the Droid I is a pleasingly snappy performer–that’s one of the reasons it’s the best Android phone to date. There are, however, a few places where a little more optimization would make a world of difference. The phone app, for instance, feels surprisingly sluggish at times.
Even more apps. Android already has 12,000, which is enough to be valuable, but not enough to induce the giddy feeling you can get from iPhone’s 100,000 title App Store. I don’t know how many Android apps will be around by the time the Droid II ships, but I’m confident that it’ll be a healthy improvement on today’s total.
Okay, that’s enough wish-listing for now. Verizon customers (and everyone else, for that matter): Are you tempted to plunk down $199 (after $100 rebate and two-year contract) for today’s Droid?
On ollut hieman kiire enkä ole ehtinyt kirjoittamaan LG:n, Samsungin ja Motorolan tuloksesta juuri mitään ja ajattelin nytkin tehdä ihan pintaraapaisun. Juuri julkistettu Motorolan Android 2.0 pohjainen Droid ja sen GSM-variantti Milestone tuli viimeisellä mahdollisella hetkellä yhtiön kannalta. Droid on CDMA-pohjainen älyluuri jonka USA:n suurin operaattori Verizon ottaa myyntiinsä ja mainoskampanja on Applen iPhonea ja sen puutteita vastaan suunnattu. Aiemmin on ollut spekulaatioita että Apple tekisi iPhonestaan CDMA-variantin Verizonille mutta mainoskampanjan perusteella näin ei kyllä taida käydä.
3Q:lla Motorola teki edelleen tappiota 183 miljoonaa dollaria kännyköillään ja onnistui myymään vain 13.6 miljoonaa luuria millä se saavutti 4.7% markkinaosuuden. Liikevoittoprosentti sentään parani -10.8%:iin. Moto jäi jopa SE:n taakse vaikka senkin markkinaosuus laski itseasiassa jo seitsämättä kvartaalia peräkkäin. Android-pohjaiset luurit ovat Moton ainoa keino selvitä ja tuo Droid kieltämättä vaikuttaa ihan hienolta peliltä. Mutta kun noita Droideja on tulossa lähetustulkoon kaikilta muilta valmistajilta Nokiaa, RIMMiä ja Applea lukuunottamatta niin millä Moto erottuu muista, vaikkapa HTC:sta tulevaisuudessa? Vaikea on uskoa että Moto enää nousisi isoksi tekijäksi luureissa jos nyt ylipäätään selviää. Firma ennustaa ensi vuonna tekevänsä yhdellä kvartaalilla ehkä nollatuloksen, muuten tulee tappiota. Siis Droidista ja ensi vuoden ekalla kvartaalilla tulevista uusista älypuhelimista huolimatta.
Samsung ja LG hyötyivät molemmat halvasta wonista ja kasvattivat myyntiään ja markkinaosuuttaan vuoden takaiseen. Samsung kasvatti osuuttaan myös edellisestä lvartaalista ja nousi ekan kerran yli 20% markkinaosuuden. Viimeksi Motorola pystyi vastaavaan markkinaosuuteen silloin kuin Razr oli vielä kuuminta hottia. Samsung on kuin mini-Nokia. Luureja löytyy kaikista hintaluokista ja jopa kaikilla käytettävissä olevilla käyttöjärjestelmilläkin. 60.2 miljoonan luurin myyminen kvartaalissa tarkoittaa ja melkoisia skaalaetujakin. Marginaali Sampalla laski kuten LG:lläkin eli hieman kallistunut won ja markkinaosuuksien kahmiminen ei tullut ilmanettä kannattavuudesta piti tinkiä. Tuskin noilla firmoilla on kauheasti varaa enää tinkiä marginaaleistaan ja jos wonin vahvistuminen jatkuu tulee markkinaosuus ja marginaalit kääntymään jopa laskuun. Korean markkinatkin avautuivat jälleen kilpailulle joten kotimarkkinoilta kerätät muhkeat katteet ja marginaalit voivat olla vaarassa. LG myi sekin kunnioitettavat 31.6 miljoonaa luuria. Enemmän kuin SE ja Motorola yhteensä. Korealaiset ovat kuitenkin vahvoja ja ovat tulleet jäädäkseen ainakin TOP4:een elleivät TOP3:een.
3Q:lla voittajia olivat Apple, Samsung ja LG. Häviäjien leirissä erityisesti Motorola ja SE ja kyllä se Nokiakin sinne valitettavasti kuuluu. RIMM:llä oli tasapaksu kvartaali. Se taisi junnata paikoillaan.
Android vs Maemo aiheesta käydään muuten täällä mielenkiintoista keskustelua.
Motorola DROID: Από την O2 ως MILESTONE | LaptopBlog.gr
Μπορεί ακόμα να μην έχει κάνει την εμφάνιση του στην ευρωπαϊκή αγορά, ωστόσο σύμφωνα με την O2, το DROID θα φθάσει στην γερμανική αγορά με το όνομα MILESTONE μέσα στον Νοέμβριο. Η τιμή του MILESTONE θα είναι 404.20€ (προ φόρων)[next]
Sure, the Motorola CLIQ and HTC Hero are very nice, and the HTC Magic and T-Mobile G1 are pretty good, but this phone takes Android to a whole new level!
You’re looking at HAL 9000 the Motorola Droid, the first Android device with 2.0 (Eclair) and a 848×480 pixel screen – possibly the slimmest (and hottest) QWERTY slider ever designed…
Feast your eyes on my unboxing pictures, and if you’re still hungry for more, check out my unboxing video
The past couple of weeks has been interesting since the media blitz about this phone has been put into high gear. Verizon Wireless has heavily pushed the Droid as their answer to the iPhone and announced today that this phone will be available on November 6, 2009 for $199.99 with a two year contract.
Added to this, last night it was announced that Android 2.0 SDK is available for developers.
I’m watching all of of this and I am interested but not excited, largely due to my personal distrust of Google as the corporate Big Brother. So, I took a look at Android’s Privacy Policy and it is vague enough for Google to do as they please with your information. I wonder why no one addresses this issue? Have we all gone to sleep because this is a brand new smartphone that the blogosphere is drooling over it?
Fãs da banda inglesa U2, espalhados por 19 países, se reuniram na madrugada desta segunda-feira para acompanhar o show transmitido ao vivo pelo YouTube, com alta qualidade de som e imagem.
O evento, ocorrido no estádio Rose Bowl de Pasadena, EUA, teve início à 1h30, horário brasileiro. Por volta das 3h, o canal “U2″ no YouTube, no qual se transmitia o show, registrava mais de 1,3 milhão de acessos.
“O grupo queria fazer este tipo de coisa há algum tempo”, revelou o agente do U2, Paul McGuinness, em um comunicado divulgado no site da banda.
Além do YouTube, os internautas interagiam via Twitter. O show foi transmitido ainda para Austrália, Canadá, Coreia do Sul, Reino Unido, Espanha, Estados Unidos, França, Índia, Irlanda, Israel, Itália, Japão, México, Nova Zelândia e Holanda.
“YouTube está encantado em oferecer a seu público em todo o mundo uma apresentação ao vivo de um dos maiores grupos do planeta”, declarou Chris Maxcy, um dos responsáveis do portal.
Com informações da Folha Online
uxla e Viña del Mar empataram e dividem as posições 16 e 17
“Ficamos entusiasmados com o grande número de cidades inscritas e gostaríamos de agradecer a participação de todos. Esta pesquisa nos mostrou que o processo de digitalização é uma tendência solidamente enraizada na América Latina, que continua avançando para reduzir a brecha digital e para consolidar a tecnologia como um serviço básico, sendo que futuramente esta será tão indispensável como a energia elétrica e a água potável”, afirmou Manuel Moreno, gerente de Marketing de Banda Larga Sem Fio da Motorola.
A pesquisa avaliou o nível de digitalização da administração pública, dos cidadãos e das empresas mediante a análise dos componentes de infraestructura (acesso aos serviços de telecomunicações e dispositivos), serviços (e-governo, tele-saúde, tele-segurança, tele-educação), e-binding (emprego da tecnologia com finalidades econômicas, produtivas e de relações sociais) e compromisso com a inclusão digital (políticas como telecentros, redes sem fio gratuitas, alfabetização digital e financiamento de dispositivos). O estudo foi finalizado com a observação dos parâmetros de relacionamento classificados em: presença, usabilidade, informação, transparência, interação, transação e participação.
Resultados significativos
Em geral, a pesquisa, realizada pela consultoria argentina Convergencia Research, demonstrou que os aspectos mais desenvolvidos na região são a digitalização interna: as aplicações administrativas. Segundo o estudo, 103 das 150 cidades pesquisadas possuem planos de digitalização de processos administrativos, 106 possuem programas de governo eletrônico, e somente 15 ainda não têm nenhum plano para expandir os níveis de digitalização.
Colaboração de Fernando Bamberg @flickr.com/bamberg86
Un tal David les ha hecho llegar a los chicos de Boy Genius Report el enlace del sitio web oficial del Motorola Droid. La dirección del sitio web era esta, pero el webmaster de la web oficial de Motorola al percatarse del error, rapidamente la bajo.
En la pagina se encontraron las especificaciones oficiales del equipo. La más importante, es que llevara la versión 2.0 de Android (Eclair), también encontramos una pantalla táctil de 3.7 pulgadas con resolución de 480 x 854 píxeles, un procesador de 550 MHz, una cámara de 5 megapíxeles con zoom 4x más dual flash LED, 16 GB de capacidad (hasta 32 GB con microSD), conectividad Bluetooth y Wi-Fi.
Lamentablemente en el sitio no habían rastro de valores ni nada parecido.
Link: Motorola Droid makes appearance on Motorola’s site (Boy Genius Report)
O Motorola DynaTAC 8000x
Foi o primeiro telefone celular, produzido a partir de 1983 pela Motorola. Martin Cooper inventou o aparelho, na época gerente geral do sistema operativo da Motorola.
Martrin Cooper na foto.
O celular tinha uma tela de LED e sua grande bateria, em forma de caixa, durava oito horas em stand-by e apenas um hora em conversação. Funcionava na rede analógica ou NMT.
O aparelho media cerca de 33 cm, sua largura era de 12 cm e com o peso de 0,793 kg.
Este anuncio de Verizon pudo verse anoche en el descanso de un partido de béisbol en la televisión americana. Recoge todas las cosas que un iPhone no hace y que otros móviles sí, como el próximo Motorola Droid, que Verizon lanzará en unas semanas. Verizon ha sufrido mucho por la popularidad del iPhone en EE.UU., que es distribuido en exclusiva por AT&T. El Droid será el móvil con Android más avanzado de los que han salido hasta el momento (viene que la versión 2.0 de Android)
What’s going on with Blockbuster? For several years now, business analysts have wondered whether the company’s movie rental stores could withstand the competitive pressures from alternative delivery systems such as Netflix’s monthly subscription program, or the growing popularity of movie downloads direct to the customer’s own computer.
The latest announcement by Blockbuster’s management seems to suggest that we may be entering into an endgame phase for the company. Blockbuster reported that it will be closing as many as 40% of its stores over the next two years. This figure – nearly 1,600 of its ~3,750 total store population, is significantly higher than had been signaled by the firm earlier in the summer.
Blockbuster seems to be caught in a situation where its business model is no longer attractive – or even relevant – to a large and growing chunk of movie consumers. The company has nicely appointed, well-stocked stores scattered all across the United States. But these outlets are an expensive way to rent movies when compared to Netflix’s “movies by mail” program or Coinstar/Redbox’s $1 movie vending machine kiosks. The Blockbuster stores are losing money – and customers.
Come to think of it, Blockbuster has been playing catch-up ball in the movie rental game for quite some time. When Netflix introduced the idea of “no late fees – ever,” Blockbuster resisted following suit for a time … until it became clear that charging late fees was becoming a deal-breaker for many consumers. And with the end of late fees, a major source of revenue and profits dried up.
Blockbuster has also tried to compete with Redbox, but the latter is expected to have nearly ten times more kiosks than Blockbuster (~20,000 versus ~2,500) installed by the end of this year.
Blockbuster has even tried to compete with Netflix by introducing its own monthly mail-order subscription program. But that program, which had grown to ~3 million customers, sank back to ~1.6 million once its aggressive promotional program for the service had run its course.
And then there’s the direct download business – the proverbial “elephant in the room” that is a threat not only to the Blockbuster model, but also to aspects of Netflix and Redbox’s business as well. Blockbuster is taking a stab at this segment of the business by working out a phone-download program with Motorola plus a TV-download program with Samsung, but it’s not clear at all that these efforts will help preserve Blockbuster’s market dominance.
Looking at the current volume of business done by Blockbuster compared to its competitors, the casual observer might think that the company has nothing at all to worry about. After all, its customer base numbers more than 50 million compared to just shy of 11 million for Netflix. But these point-in-time figures belie the fundamental problems facing the company. Blockbuster – the lumbering ocean liner – is losing upwards of $40 million each quarter, while its rivals – the swiftly maneuvering speedboats – are making profits.
Motorola is very well known around the world for innovation in communications and is focused on advancing the way the world connects. Last month, the company launched Evoke QA4 – a full feature phone packed with integrated widgets, real Web browsing and IM-style messaging. Motorola’s, Communication, Evoke offers, Communication, the cutting-edge convenience and instant gratification of a full touch-screen, intuitive online browsing and the ability to stay plugged in on users’ terms.This socially socially-inclined, Communication, device has a 2.8in full touch-screen that, Communication, keeps the user constantly connected. Evoke supports different messaging styles with a full touch-screen QWERTY keyboard and slide out traditional keypad. Users can customize the home screen content with integrated widgets and personalized RSS feeds,, Communication, and use the HTML browser to share pictures, videos and more online.With Evoke users can, Communication, make a call in so many ways. Evoke also places a premium on clear and convenient communication with noise reduction technology to help lower background noise on phone calls and Bluetooth technology to keep in touch hands-free2.Evoke can snap pictures and record video and easily publish photos and clips taken with Evoke onto, Communication, your favorite blogs and photo sharing sites. Motorola Evoke QA4 in expected to b in, Communication, the receptive market by second quarter this year.Motorola’s once again, Communication, put the grapes in basket in shape of its new innovative product called mobile phone, here once again a strong user interface is a valuable move in the technology edge. Moto users enjoying this perfect cell phone and I declared here that MOTO really serving very well to its users.
Motorola Dext es el esperado primer teléfono de la otrora líder de telefonía en el mundo con sistema operativo Android.
La marca americana no ha dejado de lado el teclado QWERTY completo a pesar de que el Motorola Dext tiene pantalla táctil. Y como otros muchos fabricantes, le ha metido su toque personal y distintivo al que ha llamado MotoBlur.
Motorola Dext, ell primer teléfono con Android de Motorola
Antes de pasar conocer qué es eso de Motoblur, hay que hablar del terminal en sí. El Motorola Dext es un teléfono de tipo deslizante que esconde un teclado QWERTY completo bajo su pantalla táctil de 3.1 pulgadas y resolución 320 × 480 píxeles. De procesador y comportamiento anda a la par que elHTC Hero, por ejemplo. El peso del Dext es de 163 gramos, con un grosor de 15.6 mm.
La cámara de fotos es otro elemento destacado del Motorola DEXT. Tiene una resolución de 5 megapíxeles con autoenfoque y nos deja enviar las fotos que hagamos directamente a sitios sociales como Facebook, Picasa o MySpace. Si en vez de fotos queremos enviar vídeos, la cámara también graba vídeo a 24 fps.
Para que la comunicación con Internet no sea un suplicio, el teléfono con Android cuenta con navegador HTML, conectividad 3G y también WiFi. En cuanto al espacio de almacenamiento, debemos contar con tarjetas de memoria microSD de hasta 32 GB. El teléfono incluye una de 2 GB de serie.
Del resto de especificaciones destacamos su conexión de 3.5 mm para el audio, el acelerómetro y elGPS integrado.
Motoblur, sincronización y datos siempre actualizados
A pesar de ser un teléfono con Android, Motorola ha querido darle su toque y lo ha llamado Motoblur. Se trata de una piel que permite sincronizar contactos, redes sociales, la agenda y el correo desde la misma pantalla. Los usuarios podrán acceder de manera integrada a todas la actualizaciones de sus cuentas personales en Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Gmail, Yahoo o LastFM, así como su email personal y de trabajo.
Dicho de forma más clara, Motoblur son widgets para diversos temas como Eventos, Mensajes, Estado y Calendario donde se agrupa la información de forma global sea cual sea su procedencia. Tendremos en la carpeta de mensajes tanto los que recibamos de las redes sociales, amigos víaSMS y otros modos de comunicación.
Precio y disponibilidad
El Motorola Dext no tiene precio todavía pero sí sabemos que será Telefónica la que lo comercialice en España.
Innover, surprendre, toujours garder une longueur d’avance. Tels sont les maîtres mots de WILLS, une entreprise de location automobile pas comme les autres.
Proposer à nos clients une véritable expérience haut de gamme à travers des véhicules exceptionnelles et un service irréprochable.
Finalmente a Motorola acabou com as especulações e lançou seu primeiro celular com sistema operacional Android, chamado DEXT, que apresenta também a exclusiva interface da empresa, MOTOBLUR.
O celular é um slider com teclado QWERTY completo e tem como principal atrativo a usabilidade da nova interface e sua integração com redes sociais e ferramentas de comunicação.
O DEXT tem tela de 3,1 polegadas, câmera de 5 megapixels, 3G, Wi-fi, GPS e um navegador HTML que promete ser revolucionário. O celular tem ainda um serviço de rastreamento por GPS para casos de perda ou roubo e também um backup dos dados em um servidor da empresa.
O que parece mesmo revolucionário é a tela inicial do MOTOBLUR, que agrupa as comunicações em widgets, facilitando muito o gerenciamento de diversas ferramentas. Um deles mostra suas mensagens, incluindo SMS, e-mail, mensagens instantâneas e mensagens de redes sociais. Outro mostra o que está acontecendo, mostrando atualizações de seus contatos em tempo real. Temos ainda o calendário, integrado com o Google Calendar, seu status social, permitindo atualizar várias redes sociais em que estiver cadastrado e os feeds de notícias, para visualizar os últimos acontecimentos.
A Engadget conseguiu uma unidade do Motorola CLIQ em suas mãos, e estas foram algumas impressões do smartphone:
- Apesar do processador MSM7201a, este é o aparelho Android mais rápido que eles já testaram.
- O aparelho “senta” bem na mão – “um sólido bloco de metal”.
- A câmera de 5 megapixels é maravilhosa, principalmente seu foco automático.
- O MOTOBLUR (Android modificado) tem suporte para até 5 home screens, ao contrário de 3 no Android normal.
- O teclado é maravilhoso.
O aparelho conta com câmera de 5MP, teclado deslizante, teclado QWERTY, Wi-Fi, 3G. A estimativa é que o aparelho seja comercializado no 4º trimestre de 2009.
Um dos pontos interessantes para quem utiliza muitas redes sociais é a interface chamada de Motoblur, tendo os recursos habituais de aparelhos com Android além de itens adicionais.
A vantagem principal do Motoblur é que ele funciona como uma espécie de “agregador de redes”, fazendo login em todas suas redes sociais simultaneamente, contas de e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, e exibe tudo na tela inicial do aparelho. Seria quase como um agregador de feeds, mas voltado para serviços de redes sociais e e-mail’s.
Quanto ao design ele bem agradável. Suas curvaturas e cores contribuem para isso.
Η Motorola παρουσίασε τη νέα της συσκευή ΖΝ300. Με τη νέα συσκευή έχεις την αίσθηση ότι χρησιμοποιείς μια ψηφιακή κάμερα καθώς είναι πλήρως εξοπλισμένο με στοιχεία ελέγχου και χαρακτηριστικά για να μπορείς να αποτυπώνεις τις αγαπημένες στιγμές της ημέρας σου και να τις μοιράζεσαι οποιαδήποτε στιγμή[next]
Mandos para todos los gustos y colores, son los accesorios necesarios para disfrutar de las maravillas de la técnica que se exponen en el IBC’09 en Amsterdam. Alta definición, 3D en nuestros hogares, gateways que reciben todo tipo de senales (no tengo nuestra letra favorita) las recodifican y nos permiten disfrutar de nuestra tele personal en cualquier tipo de dispositivo, contenidos que se almacenan y se nos reenvían en movilidad al portátil o al teléfono… en fin, otro mundo.
Pero entre los detalles, mandos sin pilas. Sí, con baterías recargables, tipo móvil, que se conectan a la red electrica a través de un puerto mini USB estándar.
The latest buzz on Android has been the release of Motorola’s new devices, specifically the Motorola CLIQ. This phone seems to be the talk of the town these days and reasonably so. Motorola has been suffering tremendously in the past few years of mobile sales as they get left in the dust for smartphones from RIM’s Blackberry devices and of course, the notorious iPhone. The CLIQ is the first phone to bring Motorola into the Android world and they have definitely stepped up their customization of the platform.
First, let’s take a look at the specs on the CLIQ
Full QWERTY slide-out keyboard
320 x 480 screen resolution
5MP camera
3.5mm headset jack
MicroSD up to 32GB support
1420 mAh battery
Qualcomm MSM7201A 528 MHz Processor
So the first selling point for me is the QWERTY keyboard. It looks to me that Motorola has taken a step up over the T-Mobile G1 and put the keyboard in the phone with a much slimmer architecture. As we are used to seeing, the processor and RAM specs aren’t that great, but I still maintain faith that someone out there is going to put Android onto a much more powerful machine at a decent price. Also, many people are loving the idea of the 3.5mm headphone jack. This is much better than the lengthy adapter shipped with HTC’s devices.
So what has everyone talking about this phone? Motorola has introduced to the Android system an interface called MOTOBLUR. This interface is used to keep all your contacts together along with their Twitter, MySpace and Facebook status updates. This interface is similar to the HTC Sense interface used in the Hero. The look of it is very impressive, but one question remains. If this does really appeal to the younger market of smartphones, will it continue to stick using a platform that so far has only drawn in a more tech-savvy user base? I think it has a lot of potential, and if the hardware can keep up with MOTOBLUR, then this has a real chance at breaking through and possibly revolutionizing the Android system.
The Motorola CLIQ will start pre-sales on October 19 and more than likely be released in November. The phone will be available exclusively from T-Mobile with a black or white trim of your choice. You can check out more information and take a test drive of the system on T-Mobile’s offical CLIQ website.
As expected, Motorola yesterday unveiled its first smartphone powered by Google’s Android operating system as the US vendor attempts to revive its struggling mobile devices unit. The Cliq (pictured, left) will be available via T-Mobile USA next quarter, and will be branded as Dext when it goes on sale in the UK and France (Orange), Spain (Telefonica) and Latin America (America Movil). Pricing details were not released. A key feature of the 3G device is social networking software dubbed ‘Motoblur,’ which syncs into a single stream a user’s phone contacts, emails, posts, feeds and photos from a wide-range of messaging and social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Gmail. The Cliq is the first of what will be many handsets from the American firm to include Motoblur, which will become Motorola’s smartphone platform of choice, though it will continue to make handsets using Windows Mobile aimed primarily at business users.
Motorola is betting on the new Android operating system as it attempts to regain market share after years of trouble that have seen the vendor slip to fourth place in terms of global handset sales. Sanjay Jha, Motorola’s co-chief executive, and T-Mobile USA executive Cole Brodman unveiled the new device together at an industry conference yesterday (pictured, above right) and a second Android-powered device from Motorola is expected in the next few weeks. Analyst reaction to the Cliq was mixed, with many being unimpressed by the phone’s design but hopeful that a focus on integrating social networking sites might help prop up sales. Shares of Motorola were up around 1.5 percent at US$7.97 last night in the US, but barely more than the overall market and off their earlier high of US$8.15 before the phone was shown.
Y pasó el nueve del nueve del nueve, y no paso absolutamente nada, como era de esperarse. Más allá de eso, una semana tranquila, mayormente dedicada a la organización del ciclo de charlas que vamos a brindar el próximo sábado 19/9, a razón de festejar el día internacional de la libertad del software. De más está decir, que están todos invitados.
19/9 - 14.00hs - CCU - Tandil
Además, aprovecho para saludar a todos los programadores en su día (hoy 13/9 es el día número 256 del año). Felicidades a todos los que disfrutan de esta actividad.
Repasemos entonces que pasó esta semana,
Como siempre sucede cuando hacen una de sus keynotes, la gente de Apple se llevó la mayor presencia en Internet esta semana. De yapa, reapareció Steve, y ahí si que explotó la red. En concreto, el evento titulado “It’s Only Rock and Roll” (aunque después apareció Norah Jones que con el R&R no tiene mucho que ver…), tuvo que ver con (obviamente), la música, y en el mismo se presentó la nueva versión de iTunes (9.0), que tiene algunas características interesantes, iPhone OS 3.1, y la renovación de la línea iPod, con nuevos precios y nuevos modelos de iPod nano (con cámara y radio FM) y iPod touch (con el hardware del iPhone 3GS). Lo que mucha gente se preguntó luego del keynote, es porque no incluyeron una cámara en el nuevo iPod touch como se rumoreó hasta último momento, la respuesta llegó de la mano del propio Steve Jobs en una entrevista que brindó a NYT (en el último link). Link, Link, Link y Link.
Una más de Apple: esta semana liberaron parte del código de Grand Central Dispatch, la tecnología introducida en Snow Leopard que facilita el desarrollo de aplicaciones paralelizables. Link.
Ya que estamos, seguimos con noticias y artículos de ciencia y tecnología:
Un interesante análisis en Maestros de Web sobre los posibles cambios en Facebook luego de la adquisición de FriendFeed. En particular la posibilidad de que, de a poco, Feisbuc adopte algunas de las ideas de FriendFeed y se vuelva “más publico”. Link.
Científicos de Stanford se encuentran trabajando en una cámara de fotos open source, que podría revolucionar la fotografía, dándole a los programadores la posibilidad de cambiar y agregar características a las cámaras con actualizaciones de software. De esta forma, las cámaras ya no estarían limitadas por el software que traen preinstalado. Link.
Motorola anunció que adoptará Android en sus próximos dispositivos móviles (eso si, con su propia interfaz gráfica – “Motoblur”), y enfocarse en la actividad social del usuario. El primer teléfono en contar con esta tecnología será el Dext, un bicho de esos con pantalla táctil y teclado qwerty deslizable. Link.
My Precious
Dell mostró una vista lateral de la Adamo XPS, una notebook de 9.99mm de altura (más fina que un iPhone, por ejemplo). Aún no se sabe absolutamente nada mas sobre esta máquina (pero yo ya quiero una). Link.
BMW mostró su último prototipo de auto híbrido, el “Vision Efficient Dynamics Concept Car”, que acelera de 0 a 100 en 4.8 segundos, y tiene una velocidad máxima de 250 kmph. Ojala la mitad de los autos del futuro tengan esta pinta (y ojala pueda comprarme alguno). Link.
Un adolescente de 18 años de Nepal ha creado paneles solares que usan cabello como conductor. Construir estos paneles costaría 4 veces menos que fabricar los actuales, y el mantenimiento sería también mucho más sencillo. Link.
Ya se están realizando pruebas del HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) en las calles de Tokio. El exoesqueleto servirá para asistir a aquellos con problemas de movilidad. Fun Fact: la empresa que los creó se llama “Cyberdine”. Link.
El pasado 9 de septiembre, se lanzó la versión de Monopoly en City Streets de Google. Esta es la versión más grande del juego jamás creada. Los jugadores podrán comprar cualquier calle del mundo, pudiendo construir en las mismas casas, estadios, edificios y hoteles. Link.
Un articulo sobre las amenazas de seguridad en la nube. En esta nota conoceremos las mayores preocupaciones de los expertos en seguridad en lo que respecta a servicios como Amazon 3S, Mobileme y Salesforce.com. Link.
Un articulo sobre el estado actual de la nanotecnología en Japón, de la mano de Hector García (Kirai). En el mismo nos cuenta como los investigadores de este país lideran las investigaciones en todas las áreas donde la nanotecnología puede tener aplicaciones prácticas, y como esta industria puede llegar a ser el motor de las tecnologías de la próxima generación. Link.
¡Vuela amiga!, ¡Vuela y actualiza mi estado en Feisbuc!
Para los que se quejan de la velocidad de su conexión a Internet: en Sud África se comprobó que una paloma mensajera llevando un pendrive de 4gb es más rápido que el proveedor Telkom ADSL en una distancia de 100 km. ¿Cuanto más rápido? En alrededor de dos horas, la paloma realizó el viaje y se copiaron los datos a la computadora destino. Para entonces, la transferencia por ADSL llevaba 4%. Link.
Un vídeo que demuestra la capacidad del sistema de reconocimiento facial de PlayStation Eye. Reconoce el sexo del usuario, la posición de la cara e incluso sigue los movimientos de usuario. Se supone que esta tecnología se incluirá en la PlayStation 3 en un futuro cercano. Link.
Microsoft, en el “what the fuck?” de la semana, lanzó “Codeplex”, una fundación sin fines de lucro con el objetivo de involucrar a más desarrolladores con el software open source. Tal y como dice el articulo de Slashdot, es difícil tomarse una cosa así enserio luego de todos los ataques a Linux por parte de Microsoft, pero en fin… Link.
Pasamos por unos párrafos a los sucesos del mundo real:
El pasado 11 de septiembre se cumplieron 8 años del terrible ataque a las torres gemelas. Dejando de lado la controversia, es justo conmemorar a todas las personas que perdieron la vida asistiendo a los afectados, así como recordar a las víctimas que fallecieron por el mero hecho de estar en el lugar equivocado, en el momento equivocado. Life recuerda los hechos con una galería fotográfica sobre la construcción de las Torres Gemelas y otra de los actos realizados antes de ayer en el “Ground Zero”. Link y Link.
Una entrevista a Darío Gallo (editor general de Perfil.com), sobre el caso “¿Qué te pasa Clarín?”, y la concentración de medios en Argentina. Link.
Ya que estamos, un par de noticias que siguen demostrando lo bizarro que puede ser el mundo a veces:
En Turquía, rescatan a un grupo de chicas de un Gran Hermano falso. 9 chicas se encontraban atrapadas en una casa en Beykoz (Estambul), luego de haber sido engañadas para formar parte de un reality show, y fueron rescatadas por un grupo de gendarmería que fue contactado por los padres de una de las “participantes” de tan solo 16 años. Los vídeos en los que las chicas aparecían desnudas se vendían en Internet. Link.
Se lanzó al mercado el Fleshlight Motion, la solución definitiva para los hombres que se toman la masturbación realmente enserio. Ver para creer. Link.
¡Por Dios Bernardo! Pasemos a las noticias de Cine y TV:
Resurge la idea de realizar la versión con actores de carne y hueso de Akira, obra maestra de Katsuhiro Otomo. Todo indicaba que el proyecto estaba muerto (y en mi opinión, no era nada malo), pero al parecer la gente de la Warner Bros ha continuado con el proyecto y se encuentra esperando el nuevo guión, de los mismos escritores de Children of Men y Iron Man, entre otras. Link.
Hace unas semanas les contaba la sinopsis de Rambo V, que al parecer ahora, no tratará de soldados super poderosos, sino que en realidad John estará a la caza de un lobo mezcla con humano, resultado de un experimento de manipulación de ADN. Esta historia será una adaptación de la novela “Hunter”, de James Byron Huggins, cuyos derechos posee Stallone. Link.
Aparecieron algunas imágenes de “Titan Maximum”, la nueva serie de animación stop motion de algunos de los encargados de Robot Chicken: Matthew Senreich, Seth Green y Tom Root. Esta serie será un tributo a las series de robots gigantes, como Voltron. Link.
¿Una monedita pa'l bondi?
Una selección de 10 películas de animación japonesa que son superiores a cualquiera de las de Disney, si les gusta la animación tradicional denle una oportunidad a cualquiera de las 10, que seguramente les haga ver las otras 9. Link.
Aprovecho que estoy en esta categoría para recomendarles un sitio que se encarga de recopilar links a capítulos de series online: “Blinkx”. Lamentablemente están todas en ingles, pero tienen un catalogo muy importante, así que no puedo dejar de recomendarla. Link.
También les paso un link a los capítulos de un documental de la BBC que se llama “Auschwitz: the Nazis and the final solution”, que presenta la historia de Auschwitz a través de entrevistas con prisioneros y guardias. Todavía no he tenido la oportunidad de verlo, pero ha recibido muy buenas criticas. Link.
Y los trailers de la semana son:
Solomon Kane: adaptación del personaje de Robert Howard (creador de Conan), que viene siendo un héroe del siglo XVII, que combate a las fuerzas del mal para redimirse de la maldición que cayó sobre el a causa de las brutales acciones que cometió en su paso por la guerra. Link.
Astroboy: el paso a las 3 dimensiones de este, que viene siendo como el Pinocho de la animación japonesa. A cargo del mismo equipo que realizó la adaptación 3d de las tortugas ninjas y se encuentra trabajando en Gatchaman. Link.
Como el vídeo "Lazy" de X-PRESS 2, pero teniendo una vida real a la par. Perfecto.
Surrogates: una de ciencia ficción con Bruce Willis (en el papel de… Bruce Willis, como siempre). Esta basada en un comic que nos plantea un futuro en el que la gente tiene un duplicado artificial, que controla mentalmente, y es enviado al mundo real a realizar todas las actividades que ellos hacían. A esta altura, ya casi nadie sale de sus casas, y todos viven su vida a través de su duplicado. Es entonces cuando algunas personas comienzan a morir inexplicablemente al morir sus duplicados, y Bruce debe salir al mundo real por primera vez en años a intentar encontrar una explicación a esto. Link.
Leslie, My Name is Evil: nos contará la historia de Perry, uno de los miembros del jurado del juicio a Manson (a finales de los 60), quien se sentirá fascinado por todo lo que representa Leslie Van Houten, una de las fanáticas que seguían a Manson, quien es todo lo contrario de la prometida de Perry. Link.
Celda 211: Un drama carcelario centrado en un enfrentamiento entre reclusos, ovacionado en el último festival de Venecia. Link.
Flashforward: una serie cuya premisa es la siguiente: ¿Qué pasaría si durante dos minutos, diecisiete segundo todos los habitantes del planeta cayeran inconscientes? ¿Y qué pasaría si durante ese tiempo todos vieran lo que les sucederá seis meses en el futuro? Además de semejante gancho, la serie está escrita por David S. Goyer, el guionista de las últimas dos pelis de Batman. Link.
The Princess and the Frog: Disney vuelve a la animación tradicional con la adaptación de esta fabula escrita y dirigida por la misma gente que trabajó en grandes clásicos de antaño como “La Sirenita” o “Aladdin”. Ideal usar a un pequeniño de la familia como excusa para verla. Link.
Y ahora si, un conjunto de links incategorizables recomendados:
Un ejemplo de la clase de cosas que podrán encontrar en Frkncongz
frkncongz: un “tumblelog” en el que publican imágenes con frases que se mezclan perfectamente, para crear una forma de arte muy original. El concepto es algo difícil de explicar en un par de líneas, mejor ver para entender. Link.
9 websites not worth visiting since the 90s: un articulo que lista 9 sitios que fueron furor en los noventas (como Geocities, rotten y hamster dance, entre otros), pero que desde entonces han quedado en el olvido. Link.
TxtNinja: una pequeña aplicación web que convierte cualquier texto que ingresemos en una imagen, ideal para dejar nuestra dirección de email en la web sin ser molestado por bots. Link.
Como hacer funcionar un control remoto con una sola pila: un pequeño vídeo tutorial que nos muestra exactamente lo que su título indica. Link.
Me gustó mucho el XKCD de la cita de los biólogos, así que me veo obligado a compartir el link en el resumen. Son increíbles las situaciones que imagina este muchacho. Link.
Hilarious and Crazy Signage, part 13: una entrega más de esta galería fotográfica con las señales de transito y carteles indicadores más graciosos. Link.
Un mashup de algunos de los vídeos más famosos de Youtube, en un minuto y cuarenta y dos segundos. Link.
Un tutorial para conectar el wiimote a nuestra pc o mac. Link.
Swingvine: otra de esas páginas que se encarga de hacer un seguimiento y una clasificación de los temas de los que más se esta hablando en Internet a cada momento. Link.
Un "coso" para poner los cuchillos, uno de los diez proyectos del articulo de Lifehacker
Un top 10 de proyectos para realizar en algún día libre. Varios proyectos interesantes y útiles en los que invertir una tarde. Link.
Tutorial para aprender a hacer el “Sky King”, el avión de papel que tiene el récord mundial de haber permanecido más tiempo en el aire (luego de ser arrojado desde el suelo). Link.
¿Eres un nerd, un geek o un dork? Si quieres descubrirlo o si no entiendes muy bien la definición de cada uno, quizás este gráfico te ayude. Link.
“Quendelton State University”, y su publicidad del campus universitario totalmente honesta: “if we were a good university, we wouldn’t have a commercial“. Link.
Unos minutos de stand up comedy con “Internet Help Desk”. Increíble el manejo del botón de “hold”. Link.
La jerarquía de las distracciones digitales, de acuerdo a “Information is Beautiful”. Link.
Youkioske: Un sitio para leer revistas online en forma gratuita. Link.
Una excelente remera que muestra (literalmente) de que estamos hechos. Link.
Una escena de pelea que debe ser de las más ridículas que hayan aparecido en una película. Link.
Un oso polar defecando bajo el agua. Así de sencillo, así de gracioso. Link.
Y finalmente, tres juegos para perder aún más tiempo que leyendo el resumen:
"grrrr. camina camina salta gira salta gira salta salta gira camina gira camina prende gira gira camina gira camina gira y la puta q te parió" (tweet de Tiincha que van a entender después de jugar un rato al Lightbot)
Light Bot: un juego en el que hay que programar a un robot para completar 12 niveles. Cuidado: es muy, pero muy adictivo. Link.
Canabalt: lo opuesto al Light Bot en términos de complejidad, pero igualmente adictivo. Link.
Y el último, Camspace, que nos permite jugar distintos juegos usando cualquier objeto como control, siempre y cuando contraste con el fondo (yo usé una jarra de plástico rosa, por ejemplo). Obviamente, requiere una cámara. Lamentablemente, requiere Windows. Link.
Con esto terminamos, espero que hayan encontrado alguna que otra cosa interesante, nos vemos la próxima semana.
Product Description The lightweight, ergonomic Motorola HT820 provides premium communication and music connectivity with minimized background noise and reliable battery power. Complete with a 3.5mm headset jack and accessory cable, the headset is compatible with non-Bluetooth devices for universal music enjoyment.
Customer Reviews “Not for laptop use.”
My laptop is bluetooth compatible and I was hoping to use this headset for listening to music and gaming. However, the headset was horrible. Aside from an awkward interface that only worked when programs were opened after the headset was connect, there was about a 300ms delay in sound (which was very annoying). It cut out sound a LOT. Trying to communicate using online communications software was nearly impossible as I was missing half of the conversation. I think this headset was made specifically for phones only. Though they advertise it for computer use, I would not recommend it. “Here’s the problems, 2 wires don’t show in this pic!”
When your laying down it’s a pain because it forces it off your ears.
It sounds fine.
I thought it would work with bluetooth and have no luck in my laptop, and I did upgrade the software.
Without bluetooth this is a waste because you could use any headphones for a few dollars.
It will NOT sit on top your head securely or on your head securely it has to go around your ears and hangs off your neck, which is only handy if your wearing a hat.
It’s an okay product, sort of… it’s easier to store than any other headset if you keep the charger in the outlet, but you have to not lose the charger and the cord that other alternate cord that uses the standard headphone wired approach is not attached it plugs in and get’s lost and it’s not all that simple. There’s buttons you have to push and blinking lights you have to figure out, and battery timing to worry about. I wouldn’t buy it again. It’s best feature is it is a solid piece, not junky material at all, it’s quality rubber parts. It just could use some improvement like a retracting wires to the charger and/or using the standard wired headset. Good Luck.
this thing has excellent battery life and range! i use it all day about six hours a day and i don’t have to charge it for almost six days. u will love this set if u have the a2dp feature on your phone. its like having a phone and mp3 player just sitting on your ears. no need to ever touch your phone!
See all detials of Motorola HT820 – Headset ( behind-the-neck ) – wireless – Bluetooth
I have been with t-mobile since 2002. This is the best phone that I have puchased yet from them. Yes it does get scratched easily but it is very durable otherwise. Haven’t had any problems with the phone or the service. It’s a nice phone for the money and anyone who has problems with the phone maybe you should check into your crappy cell phone service.
Billed as an entry-level phone, the Motorola v180 is actually a feature rich black beauty with quad-band global coverage capability. Instant messaging, MP3 ringtones, dual displays, USB connectivity and gaming support are all here– a significant step up from entry level phones of the past. It’s the perfect companion to T-Mobile service.
Click the image to get a closer look at the V180’s functions. You can also see it in action.
Design The phone features a sleek clamshell design with a large 128 x 128 color display with 65,000 colors. The outside cover of the handset sports a supplementary 96 x 32 monochrome display that can display time, call information, battery and signal strength, and more. A stub antenna is placed on the top right side of the unit. Up and down buttons for volume control are placed on the left side. Most of the phone’s features and on-screen menus are controlled by a five-way center button on the handset’s control pad. Meanwhile, the top right side of the unit houses an antenna and the USB-capable data port is housed on the unit’s top edge. There’s a standard jack to accept universal hands-free headsets on the bottom of the handset, next to the phone’s charging port. Face plates are available so you can create the look you’re after on the phone’s outer casing.
Calling Features The V180 supports polyphonic ringtones as well as MP3 ringers, allowing you to use portions of your favorite songs to alert you to incoming calls. You can also assign pictures and ringers to your most common callers. A number of ringtones come preloaded on the phone and more ringtones can be downloaded from T-Mobile’s t-zones service. There’s even an included application, MotoMixer, that enables you to mix your own ringtones.
Speed dialing, which allows you to call pre-programmed numbers with one button is built in, as is a vibrating alert. A built-in speakerphone makes it easy to talk without having the phone to your ear. Voice activated dialing makes calling your friends, family and associates as easy as saying their names.
Messaging, Internet and Tools The V180 has all the bases covered when it comes to messaging and Internet connectivity. The phone features support for ICQ, AOL and Yahoo! instant messaging applications (T-Mobile messaging charges apply). There’s also a built-in web browser for t-zones downloads and mobile web browsing. T-Mobile’s t-zones service lets you receive and send emails, read news headlines, get weather updates, download games and ringtones, and more. Traditional text messaging, as well as picture and sound messaging are also supported by the phone. iTap text entry, which is a technology that makes it easier for people to enter words and text on handsets, is built into the unit– a plus for mobile email and text messaging users.
A number of handy software tools are bundled with the V180 including a voice memo recorder, a calculator, a notepad, a calendar and an alarm clock.
Imaging and Entertainment The V180’s USB connectivity can be used to transfer pictures, sounds and graphics to the phone’s memory from your PC. Screensavers, themes and wallpapers can be set to your tastes. The V180 is Java enabled, meaning it supports games and application downloads written on the Java platform. Games are available via the T-Mobile t-zones service.
Vital Statistics The V180 weighs 3.26 ounces and measures 3.43 x 1.75 x .91 inches. Its lithium-ion battery is rated at up to 5.83 hours of digital talk time, and up to 275 hours of digital standby time. It runs on the 850/900/1800/1900 MHz GSM/GPRS frequencies. The phone comes with a one year limited warranty.
What’s in the Box Motorola V180 handset, lithium-ion battery, power supply/charger, user’s manual.
“The Motorola Cliq is expected in a few weeks. T-Mobile is Motorola’s carrier partner in the US. A second Android phone will be marketed in other countries under the name Dext.
Dr. Sanjay K. Jha, Co-CEO of Motorola and CEO of the company’s Mobile Devices division, unveiled Motorola’s Android platform play.
Key to both of the phones, and key to Motorola’s overall Android strategy, is a new interface and application layer called MotoBlur.
It’s focused on ‘a single stream’ for social networking features, software updates, messages, syncing, e-mails, videos, photos etc.
The Cliq phone has a 5-megapixel camera, slide-out keyboard, 24 frame-per-second video capabilities, GPS, a headphone jack, an advanced browser from Google, integrated Exchange service, and Google roaming services including Google voice search, access to maps, Google calendar, and more. It also provides one-click access to Android Market and the thousands of Android applications there.”
With the recent announcement of Motorola’s new MOTOBLUR-running phones, Engadget have posted a handy hardware comparison chart for the handful of handsets currently handling Android.
The spec chart reads similarly to a netbook comparison sheet - the hardware between the comparators is almost identical. That 528MHz Qualcomm chip is quickly becoming the standard for Android.
But for how much longer? The internet is awash with people (including myself) who believe that Android handsets are a bit underpowered and in need of a boost. I wonder if battery life is a contributory factor given the platform’s ability to multitask?