Wednesday, December 5, 2001

Google phone vs. Apple iPhone

In a side-by-side comparison, the average total cost of owning Google’s is 18% less

Click twice to see full size. Source: BillShrink

On the heels of Google’s (GOOG) release of the Nexus One, the folks at have done us all a favor.

They’ve put out one of their handy charts comparing the specs and total cost of ownership of four popular devices: Apple’s (AAPL) iPhone on AT&T (T), the Palm (PALM) Pre on Sprint (S), Motorola’s (MOT) Droid on Verizon (VZ) and the new HTC Nexus One on T-Mobile (DT).

The chart isn’t perfect. It’s tends to emphasize cost and hardware specs over quality of service and robustness of each phone’s software ecosystem.

And there appear to be some errors in their numbers. The iPhone, for example, has between 123,000 and 129,000 available apps, depending whose count you use, not 93,200 as they have it.

But the folks at BillShrink are pretty responsive, and if you point out errors in their comment stream here, they’ll do their best to fix them.

The bottom line, sing the total cost of the average plans for each phone over two year:

iPhone: $2,839 Pre: $2,309 Droid: $2,839 Nexus One: $2,339

. . . .

To see the latest changes in BillShrink’s, click here.

[Follow Philip Elmer-DeWitt on Twitter @philiped]
